The original games and ScummVM were originally written for a PC or near equivalent. This involves installing the Android SDK, enabling debugging over USB and running "adb logcat". In general, ScummVM error messages are sent to the Android logs, so looking at them will likely be the first step in troubleshooting any new problems. From the launcher screen, highlight the game and press "Start" to play.If ScummVM found the game correctly, it should now give you a dialog mentioning the name of the game and some options.Note that you won't actually see the files in the folder - ScummVM only shows you folder names at this point. Once the folder with your game in it is highlighted, or you are in the game folder itself, click "Choose".I put that in bold since it is a very unintuitive action on a phone. To descend into a subdirectory you need to double click. A handy tip is to press (eg) the 's' key to jump straight to entries that start with 's'. Navigate to the folder below /sdcard where you copied the datafiles in step (2).From the orange "launcher" screen, choose "Add Game" Sounds silly, but if you don't do this then ScummVM on the phone won't be able to read the contents of the SD card. Eject/unmount (whatever your OS calls it) the SD card and unplug the USB cable.There is no need to put files into the root of your SD card. Use your USB cable to copy the game files into a folder on your phone's SD card somewhere.If you have a CD, use the files on the CD (don't copy the. In particular, if you downloaded it off the site (for example) it will likely be compressed and you'll need to unzip (or whatever) the game files first. Ensure you have the right datafiles, by checking against the ScummVM "datafiles" page.Other games are available cheaply from online retro gaming shops or perhaps somewhere like eBay, or you probably have a few old CDs somewhere in that box in your attic.
2.6 ScummVM exits immediately once the progress bar reaches 100%īeneath a Steel Sky and Flight of the Amazon Queen are available for free from.2.5 Receiving a phone call makes ScummVM keep running in the background.2.3 Current market version doesn't work on Cyanogenmod (4.7.2 and newer).2.2 Current market version doesn't work on Android 1.0/1.1.